Monday, March 19, 2012

Bookmark It: Bliss Control, A One-Stop Shop For Updating Your Social Network Profile Settings

blisscontrolI'm interrupting your tech news flow to tell you about a nifty little tool you'll probably want to bookmark for later. It's called Bliss Control, and it comes from�the same folks that brought you the email notifications management utility called Notification Control (and seriously - check that one out, too, if you get too many social media updates in via email. Inbox savior!).� Expanding on the simple use case of its predecessor, Bliss Control also provides a one-stop-shop for managing various aspects of your online accounts. Except this time, instead of providing a link list that connects you with the right page on websites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Foursquare and more where you can disable email notifications, this new service provides a single directory of links to manage all your other social media settings.



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