Tuesday, August 16, 2011

?Defending Android?

screenshot-lrg-01Bravo Google, well played. There's no denying that Google's�maneuver this morning�to acquire Motorola for $12.5 billion in cash is remarkable. Everyone is talking about every possible angle of the deal, as they should. The summertime is usually the doldrums when it comes to tech news. Not this year. Google is pulling off an�acquisition�that is larger than any that Microsoft, Apple, or any of their other main competitors ever have. Larry Page, wartime CEO. Larry Page, maverick. As the resident Apple enthusiast around these parts, many of you want my take on this ? and many of you probably don't want my take on this, but will end up reading it twice as much as those who do. But don't worry, I'm not going to go all Dan Lyons and immediately run my mouth without thinking. I actually took the entire day to think about this, read over the insane amount of coverage (though I didn't get through even half of it), and form some thoughts. But my main thought is the same as my initial one: this is either the smartest thing Google has ever done, or the dumbest. There is no in-between.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/gryZ_CYOO98/


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